Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Art Painting

Art Painting
don't think," said Miss Marple thoughtfully, "that there's anything more you can do about it." (If Mrs. McGillicuddy had been alert to the tones of her friend's voice, she might have noticed a very faint stress laid on the you.) “You've reported what you saw – to the railway people and to the police. No, there's nothing more you can do."
"That's a relief, in a way," said Mrs. McGillicuddy, "because as you know, I'm going out to Ceylon immediately after Christmas - to stay with Roderick, and I certainly do not want to put that visit off - I've been looking
Art Painting
forward to it so much. Though of course I would put it off if I thought it was my duty," she added conscientiously.
"I'm sure you would, Elspeth, but as I say, I consider you've done everything you possibly could do."
"It's up to the police," said Mrs. McGillicuddy. "And if the police choose to be stupid –"
Miss Marple shook her head decisively.
"Oh, no," she said, “the police aren't stupid. And that makes it interesting, doesn't it?"
Mrs. McGillicuddy looked at her without comprehension and Miss Marple reaffirmed her judgment of he
Art Painting


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Art Painting