Thursday, October 25, 2007

Henri Matisse Painting

Henri Matisse Painting
"It's quite an idea, that the woman might once have had a job here. Not as a lady's maid; I doubt if my sister has ever had such a thing. I don't think anyone has nowadays. But, of course, there is a good deal of foreign domestic labour floating about. We've had Poles - and a temperamental German or two. As Emma definitely didn't recognise the woman, I think that washes your idea out, Inspector, Emma's got a very good memory for a face. No, if the woman came from London…. What gives you the idea she came from London, by the way?"
He slipped the question in quite casually, but his eyes were sharp and interested.
Henri Matisse Painting
Inspector Craddock smiled and shook his head.
Alfred looked at him keenly.
"Not telling, eh? Return ticket in her coat pocket, perhaps, is that it?"
"It could be, Mr. Crackenthorpe."
"Well, granting she came from London, perhaps the chap she came to meet had the idea that the Long Barn would be a nice place to do a quiet murder. He knows the set up here, evidently. I should go looking for him if I were you, Inspector."
"We are," said Inspector Craddock, and made the two little words sound quiet and confident.
He thanked Alfred and dismissed him.
Henri Matisse Painting


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Henri Matisse Painting

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Henri Matisse Painting