Thursday, October 25, 2007

Modern Art Painting

Modern Art Painting
"I see. It appealed to your sporting instincts and also to your family feelings. I've no doubt your sister will be very grateful to you - although her two other brothers have also come to be with her."
"But not to cheer and comfort," Cedric told him. "Harold is terrifically put out. It's not at all the thing for a City magnate to be mixed up with the murder of a questionable female."
Craddock's eyebrows rose gently.
Modern Art Painting
Was she - a questionable female?"
"Well, you're the authority on that point. Going by the facts, it seemed to me likely."
"I thought perhaps you might have been able to make a guess at who she was?"
"Come now, Inspector, you already know – or your colleagues will tell you, that I haven't been able to identify her."
"I said a guess, Mr. Crackenthorpe. You might never have seen the woman before - but you might have been able to make a guess at who she was - or who she might have been?"
Modern Art Painting


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Modern Art Painting

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Modern Art Painting