Thursday, October 25, 2007

Mary Cassatt painting

Mary Cassatt painting
Women such as this were often underrated. Behind their quiet exterior they had force of character, they were to be reckoned with. Perhaps, Craddock thought, the clue to the mystery of the dead woman in the sarcophagus was hidden away in the recesses of Emma's mind.
Whilst these thoughts were passing through his head, Craddock was asking various unimportant questions.
"I don't suppose there is much that you haven't already told Inspector Bacon," he said. "So I needn't worry you with many questions."
Mary Cassatt painting
Please ask me anything you like."
"As Mr. Wimborne told you, we have reached the conclusion that the dead woman was not a native of these parts. That may be a relief to you - Mr. Wimborne seemed to think it would be – but it makes it really more difficult for us. She's less easily identified."
"But didn't she have anything - a handbag? Papers?"
Craddock shook his head.
"No handbag, nothing in her pockets."
Mary Cassatt painting


Anonymous said...

Mary Cassatt painting

Anonymous said...

Mary Cassatt painting