Friday, October 26, 2007

The Sacrifice of Abraham painting

The Sacrifice of Abraham painting
The Three Ages of Woman
The Virgin and Child with St Anne
The Water lily Pond
There were certain tokens of occupancy about. The decayed mattresses had been piled up to make a kind of divan, there was an old rusted table on which reposed a large tin of chocolate biscuits, there was a hoard of apples, a tin of toffee, and a jig-saw puzzle.
"It really is a clue, sir," said Stoddart-West eagerly, his eyes gleaming behind his spectacles. "We found it this afternoon."
"We've been hunting for days. In the bushes –"
"And inside hollow trees –"
"And we went all through the ash bins –"
"There were some jolly interesting things there, as a matter of fact –"
"And then we went into the boiler house –"
"Old Hillman keeps a great galvanised tub there full of waste paper –"


Anonymous said...

The Sacrifice of Abraham painting

Anonymous said...

the Night Watch