Sunday, January 27, 2008

Modern Art Painting

Modern Art Painting
Gustav Klimt The Kiss
Gustav Klimt Painting
William Bouguereau
and the first thing I did was to exchange the cook's garments for them. I looked for my purse. In addition to some small change (and I have a good memory for such things), it had contained one hundred and eighty-five dollars in gold and paper. The purse I found, but its contents, with the exception of the small silver, had been abstracted. I spoke to the cook about it, when I went on deck to take up my duties in the galley; and though I had looked forward to
oil painting
a surly answer, I had not expected the belligerent harangue that I received. ¡¡¡¡'Look 'ere, 'Ump', he began, a malicious light in his eyes and a snarl in his throat, 'd' ye want yer nose punched? If yer think I'm a thief, just keep it to yerself, or you'll find 'ow bloody well mistyken you are. Strike me blind if this ayn't gratitude for yer! 'Ere yer come, a pore mis'rable specimen of 'uman scum, an' I tykes yer into my galley an' treats yer 'andsome, an' this is wot I get for it. Nex' time yer can go to 'ell, say I, an' I've a good mind to give yer what-for, anyw'y.' ¡¡¡¡So saying, he put up his fists and started for me. To my eternal shame be it, I cowered away from the blow and ran out the galley door. What else was I to do? Force, nothing but

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Modern Art Painting"