Thursday, April 9, 2009

John William Waterhouse Juliet

John William Waterhouse JulietJohn William Waterhouse Flora and the ZephyrsJohn William Waterhouse Apollo and Daphne
'They've run off,' said Conina.
'Are we going to be attacked?'
'Could be. There's been three men following us on the rooftops.'
Rincewind squinted upwards at almost the same time as three men, dressed in flowing black robes, dropped lightly into with jealous horror, rather embarrassed.
'Why, you-’ he growled, and gave it a kick - 'you handbag.'
He sidled closer to the girl, who was standing there with a thoughtful smile on her face.
'What now?' he said. 'Are you going to offer them all a quick perm?'
The men edged a little closer. They were, he noticed, only interested in Conina.
'I'm not armed,' she said.
'What happened to your legendary comb?'the alleyway in front of them. When he looked around two more appeared from around a corner. All five were holding long curved swords and, although the lower halves of their faces were masked, it was almost certain that they were grinning evilly.Rincewind rapped sharply on the Luggage's lid.'Kill,' he suggested. The Luggage stood stock still for a moment, and then plodded over and stood next to Conina. It looked slightly smug and, Rincewind realised
'Left it on the boat.'

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