Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Julien Dupre Shepherdess With Her Flock painting

Julien Dupre Shepherdess With Her Flock paintingJulien Dupre Returning From the Fields paintingFederico Andreotti Discretion, The Better Part Of Valour painting
. See if I don't! See for yourselves!"
"Remarkable chap, actually," Dr. Sear beamed -- every bit as interested in Harold Bray as he had been in me. "Came to New Tammany a few years ago, goodness knows where from. Fancy him the Grand Tutor!"
"He can't go into WESCAC's Belly," I insisted. "I'm the only one who can do that!" I looked back for Max.
Now Bray stepped forth from the orchestra into the aisle of the Amphitheater, raising his arms to left and to right.
"Come on!" he clicked. "All you folks who need Commencing, come on to me!"
There was near-pandemonium in the audience, everyone shouting to his neighbor and crowding this way and that. Those who wished only to leave the theater pressed against those -- a growing number -- who thronged already down towards the man in white: some on their knees, some carrying children in their arms, who it seemed to me were up past their bedtimes. Greene was on his feet next to the aisle up which the pretender came; Dr. Sear leaned back and surveyed the spectacle with a little smile, lacing his fingers about one knee.

1 comment:

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